Digital Photo Prints
4x6 (Glossy) - $1 (Matte) - $1 / (Lustre) - $2
5x7 (Glossy) - $2 / (Matte) - $2 / (Lustre) - $3
8x10 (Glossy) - $3.00 / (Matte) - $3 / (Deep Matte) - $4 / (Lustre) - $4
11x14 (Glossy) - $7 / (Matte) - $ 7 / (Deep Matte) - $9 / (Lusrtre) - $8
16x20 (Glossy) - $14 / (Matte) - $14 / (Deep Matte) - $ 30 / (Lustre) - $15
20x30 (Glossy) - $19 / (Matte) - $19 / (Lustre) - $20

Wallet Prints
4 (Glossy) - $2 / (Matte) - $2
8 (Glossy) - $4 / (Matte) - $4

Framed Photos
(Prices include art print with a conservation quality mat, conservation clear acrylic and a handcrafted frame)
5x5 - $39
5x7 - $49
8x10 - $69
11x14 - $79
16x20 - $99
20x18 - $129
24x36 - $139
32x40 - $194

Framed Photos on Canvas
(Price includes art on premium quality, acid-free canvas and handcrafted float frame on either thin wrap 3/4" or 1/12")
7x7 - $55
8x10 - $57
11x14 - $65
16x20 - $78
20x28 - $102
24x36 - $116
32x40 - $203

Corkboard and Mirrors
(Prices include décor item with a handcrafted frame)
7x7 (corkboard) - $49 / (mirror) - $59
8x10 (corkboard) - $51 / (mirror) - $62
11x14 (corkboard) - $59 / (mirror) - $71
16x20 (corkboard) - $79 / (mirror) -$89
20x28 (corkboard) - $99 / (mirror) - $109
24x36 (corkboard) - $129 / (mirror) - $149
32x40 (corkboard) - $214 / (mirror) - $214

Digital Photo Prints on Specialty Surfaces
(Prices for framed art prints are determined by the size of the artwork)
5x7 (Glass) - $25 / (Metal) - $25 / (Wood) - $25
8x10 (Glass) - $35 / (Metal) - $35 / (Wood) - $45 / (Acrylic) - $35 / Acrylic with standoffs) - $45
11x14 (Glass) - $45 / (Metal) - $45 / (Wood) - $55 / (Acrylic) - $45 / (Acrylic with standoffs) - $55
16x20 (Glass) - $75 / (Metal) - $75 / (Wood) - $85 /  (Acrylic) - $75 / (Acrylic with standoffs) - $85
20x30 (Glass) - $135 / (Metal) - $135 / (Wood) - $145 / (Acrylic) - $135 / (Acrylic with standoffs) - $145
* Square Prints and Other sizes can be inquired via email/phone or in person

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